Vedic Art
Wat is Vedic Art?
Vedic Art is ontwikkeld door de Zweedse kunstenaar Curt Källman. Hij creëerde een methode waarin hij de academische schilderkunst combineerde met de Vedische filosofie.
De oude leer van de Vedas maakt duidelijk dat alle kennis die we nodig hebben om te creëren reeds in ons aanwezig is, het zit in onze natuur. Doorheen 17 principes ga je op weg om deze verborgen kennis te herinneren en de natuurlijke wetten die in ons aanwezig zijn te activeren. Vedic Art is er voor iedereen; of je een opleiding gevolgd hebt of helemaal geen ervaring hebt met schilderen is van geen belang. “Vedic Art leert je niet hoe je moet schilderen. Vedic Art is een methode die je helpt te herinneren hoe je schildert.” Curt Källman |
Hoe verloopt een cursus?
De cursussen vinden plaats in een gemoedelijke sfeer en in een natuurlijke omgeving.
De 17 prinicipes zijn praktische tools om onze creativiteit weer te doen stromen, ze omvatten de verschillende aspecten van het creatieve potentiëel waarmee we geboren zijn.
Daarom voelen ze ook familiair aan, we herkennen ze vanuit het dagelijkse leven of wanneer we voordien al geschilderd hebben. Ze spreken over het natuurlijke leven en creativiteit.
Elke dag komen we samen voor één of meerdere korte momenten, afhankelijk van de cursus die je volgt, waarin de teacher de principes één voor één aanbrengt. Daarna ben je vrij om te schilderen.
Vrijheid is de sleutel!
Vedic Art nodigt je uit om wakker worden en verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor je eigen proces, in het leven en in de creativiteit.
Terwijl je schildert ontwaken gevoelens, je komt meer en meer thuis bij jezelf en tegelijk zal je het hele proces van creatie ervaren. Op dat moment smelten kunst en het leven samen.
Je teacher is aanwezig voor ondersteuning of als je iets wil delen maar komt niet in jouw persoonlijke ruimte gedurende je schilderproces. Dit geeft je de veiligheid om het plezier van het creëren te ervaren, alles is goed, niets moet. Er wordt niet vergeleken, niet geoordeeld, geen commentaar gegeven. Het gaat over jouw persoonlijk avontuur, jouw spel met vormen en kleuren die vanuit je binnenste naar buiten komen.
Vedic Art wordt omschreven door Curt Källman als 'een reis doorheen de rivier van kunst en leven '.
De 17 prinicipes zijn praktische tools om onze creativiteit weer te doen stromen, ze omvatten de verschillende aspecten van het creatieve potentiëel waarmee we geboren zijn.
Daarom voelen ze ook familiair aan, we herkennen ze vanuit het dagelijkse leven of wanneer we voordien al geschilderd hebben. Ze spreken over het natuurlijke leven en creativiteit.
Elke dag komen we samen voor één of meerdere korte momenten, afhankelijk van de cursus die je volgt, waarin de teacher de principes één voor één aanbrengt. Daarna ben je vrij om te schilderen.
Vrijheid is de sleutel!
Vedic Art nodigt je uit om wakker worden en verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor je eigen proces, in het leven en in de creativiteit.
Terwijl je schildert ontwaken gevoelens, je komt meer en meer thuis bij jezelf en tegelijk zal je het hele proces van creatie ervaren. Op dat moment smelten kunst en het leven samen.
Je teacher is aanwezig voor ondersteuning of als je iets wil delen maar komt niet in jouw persoonlijke ruimte gedurende je schilderproces. Dit geeft je de veiligheid om het plezier van het creëren te ervaren, alles is goed, niets moet. Er wordt niet vergeleken, niet geoordeeld, geen commentaar gegeven. Het gaat over jouw persoonlijk avontuur, jouw spel met vormen en kleuren die vanuit je binnenste naar buiten komen.
Vedic Art wordt omschreven door Curt Källman als 'een reis doorheen de rivier van kunst en leven '.
Wie is Maryse?
Maryse Alen is een Belgisch kunstenaar. Ze is Vedic Art teacher sinds 2012 en woont momenteel in de Spaanse bergen (Andalusië) waar ze haar cursussen organiseert. Regelmatig reist ze nog naar België om opleiding te geven.
Haar enthousiasme en inzet om Vedic Art door te geven aan ieder die zijn/haar eigen reis doorheen de rivier van kunst en leven wenst te starten, is sterk en tegelijk zacht, bezield en oprecht
Wil je graag meer weten over haar biografie en hoe Vedic Art op haar pad kwam. Zie Maryse.
Haar enthousiasme en inzet om Vedic Art door te geven aan ieder die zijn/haar eigen reis doorheen de rivier van kunst en leven wenst te starten, is sterk en tegelijk zacht, bezield en oprecht
Wil je graag meer weten over haar biografie en hoe Vedic Art op haar pad kwam. Zie Maryse.
Enkele reacties op de cursussen van Maryse
“I did the vedic art basic and follow up course and soon I'll be doing the teacher course at Maryse Vedic Art Spain as well. I was a bit nervous at first but from the first moment I met Maryse I felt a connection and immediately felt comfortable. There at Maryse in Capileira in southern Spain it is so beautiful and peaceful, the location in itself brings so much peace and serenity. Maryse is a beautiful person, she radiates peace and quiet, she is funny and when she talks, you immediately feel that it comes straight from her heart. She shines and lives Vedic Art,you just feel that. I am so grateful.
Thanks to Vedic Art I found myself completely, there, my heart opened up again. Everything has started flowing again and I am back in balance with myself.
I love myself and this is the first time in my life. I feel radiant and happy with who I am, what I look like, what I do and how I do it. Vedic art came to me at the right moment in my life. And was passed on by the right person Maryse with the right intention and in the right place in Capileira (Southern Spain)
I wish everyone this unforgettable journey.
It is unbelievable how Vedic Art works, in a very loving and subtle way. I recommend Vedic Art courses to everyone at Maryse in Spain. It's an incredible life experience that you will enjoy the rest of your life.
For me, this was the life experience that brought me back on my path of life. I still enjoy it every day. It is a beautiful process and a love-full way of life.
Vedic art spain is a unique place with beautiful nature and a great location to paint, relaxing and to find yourself again.
I am very grateful. Thank you Maryse you are great! “
Vanessa, Spain 2018
For someone used to dealing with thought and working things out with words, this was a whole new experience. There was a primitive non-verbal element to the painting that engaged my psyche in an undifferentiated way. Each day, in her clear and gentle way, Maryse introduced guiding principles that were both a theme and a focus. Then I let my thoughtless psyche work it out on a canvas in whichever fashion it wanted to. I quickly abandoned the brushes and got messy with my fingers in the colours, mixing and daubing. All the while, I found myself in these extraordinary natural surroundings where other individuals were quietly going about their own process in such a peaceful and mutually supportive atmosphere, where competitiveness had no place. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that before. It was as if Maryse was the prime mover and catalyst for what happened during each day, without ever breaking the spell of what individually we were doing. At one point, the painting took me back to infancy, but with my adult mind. The paintings remain with me, physically and mentally, as meditations and pointers to who I am and I want I truly need in my life. It will be interesting to go further into the process, into myself, into the Vedic philosophy.
Guy, Spain 2018
I didn't know what to expect when I began my journey via Vedic Art! I have always enjoyed painting but had been "blocked" for many years. The process of the course made so much sense to me. It unlocked a sense of pure joy and warmth which felt brilliant after a long difficult and sad time. I promptly bought LOTS of paints and now have a dedicated painting area at home.
During the second course I was moved to tears after the unexpected release of pent up emotions. It was also a very peaceful and relaxing process and lovely to meet others on their journey.
I have been experimenting since then and using the principles of Vedic Art.
I cannot recommend studying Vedic Art with Maryse Alen highly enough.
Wendy, Spain 2019
Thanks to Vedic Art I found myself completely, there, my heart opened up again. Everything has started flowing again and I am back in balance with myself.
I love myself and this is the first time in my life. I feel radiant and happy with who I am, what I look like, what I do and how I do it. Vedic art came to me at the right moment in my life. And was passed on by the right person Maryse with the right intention and in the right place in Capileira (Southern Spain)
I wish everyone this unforgettable journey.
It is unbelievable how Vedic Art works, in a very loving and subtle way. I recommend Vedic Art courses to everyone at Maryse in Spain. It's an incredible life experience that you will enjoy the rest of your life.
For me, this was the life experience that brought me back on my path of life. I still enjoy it every day. It is a beautiful process and a love-full way of life.
Vedic art spain is a unique place with beautiful nature and a great location to paint, relaxing and to find yourself again.
I am very grateful. Thank you Maryse you are great! “
Vanessa, Spain 2018
For someone used to dealing with thought and working things out with words, this was a whole new experience. There was a primitive non-verbal element to the painting that engaged my psyche in an undifferentiated way. Each day, in her clear and gentle way, Maryse introduced guiding principles that were both a theme and a focus. Then I let my thoughtless psyche work it out on a canvas in whichever fashion it wanted to. I quickly abandoned the brushes and got messy with my fingers in the colours, mixing and daubing. All the while, I found myself in these extraordinary natural surroundings where other individuals were quietly going about their own process in such a peaceful and mutually supportive atmosphere, where competitiveness had no place. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that before. It was as if Maryse was the prime mover and catalyst for what happened during each day, without ever breaking the spell of what individually we were doing. At one point, the painting took me back to infancy, but with my adult mind. The paintings remain with me, physically and mentally, as meditations and pointers to who I am and I want I truly need in my life. It will be interesting to go further into the process, into myself, into the Vedic philosophy.
Guy, Spain 2018
I didn't know what to expect when I began my journey via Vedic Art! I have always enjoyed painting but had been "blocked" for many years. The process of the course made so much sense to me. It unlocked a sense of pure joy and warmth which felt brilliant after a long difficult and sad time. I promptly bought LOTS of paints and now have a dedicated painting area at home.
During the second course I was moved to tears after the unexpected release of pent up emotions. It was also a very peaceful and relaxing process and lovely to meet others on their journey.
I have been experimenting since then and using the principles of Vedic Art.
I cannot recommend studying Vedic Art with Maryse Alen highly enough.
Wendy, Spain 2019
Curt Källman
' Wanneer we over de 17 principes horen, beginnen we ons vanaf het allereerste moment het hele verhaal van het leven te herinneren, waar we vandaan komen en waar we naar toe gaan.'